What is The Ultimate Virtual Bike Fit
What is The Ultimate Virtual Bike Fit
Your journey to improved comfort, increased power, a smoother spin, and more fun begins with a bike fit from The Cycle Point. Our 2-session fitting service provides the most thorough and complete bike fit you will find anywhere in the world. We address things others do not even consider. Plus, with each fit we offer more than 2 virtual fitting sessions. Included are a cool pair of Ride Learn Grow™ cycling socks (while supplies last), a frame magnet, and additional fit support.
Your Peloton bike fitting will focus on the contact points with the bike and how you interface with each.

Connection points with the Peloton bike
Prior to meeting you will be asked a few questions including a request to send us a photo of the bottom of your shoes like this.

Peloton shoes & cleats
You will also receive a list of specific tools we may need during the fit along with a link to our booking calendar so you can select a convenient date and time for your fitting.

Tools list for a Peloton Bike Fit
The majority of Peloton virtual bike fit meetings are conducted over Facetime. If you do not have Facetime, we suggest MS Team or Zoom.

Facetime – MS Teams – Zoom
The first step in the Ultimate Virtual Bike Fit is to get a general view of you spinning on your bike. Initial adjustments set your position close to or within the outer targets. Once you’ve reached the outer target range, a more detailed evaluation begins at the pedals and progresses to the handlebars.

The flow of a Peloton Bike Fit
The following represents each of the potential adjustments in the Ultimate fit.

Adjustments in an Ultimate Virtual Bike Fit
For much of the process, the highly regarded Bike Fit App Software will be used for quick review and sharing. This is a view from the side during a fit using the app angle tool capturing knee bend for assessing seat height.

Side view of the BikeFit App
The front view is one of the standard perspectives in the Ultimate fit process. This is done for each leg, watching where your knee tracks relative to your second toe while pedaling.

Did your fitter look at this.
This view is used to assess medial-lateral or side-to-side cleat placement. When using the app virtually, you will often regularly notice Paul’s face in one corner.

Bike fitting side to side cleat adjustment
An exclusive feature of the Ultimate fit is addressing uneven foot pressure, usually on the outer part of your foot highlighted below in red. Ideally, we should feel even pressure across the ball of the foot like the blue highlight.

Uneven and even foot pressure bicycling
The tilt of your foot is the most common cause of uneven foot pressure. The majority of people’s feet tilt upward toward the inside. You can check this yourself but having a buddy makes it easier.
Remove your shoes and kneel backward on a chair like this with your feet overhanging the front edge. Place something straight like a book or ruler across the ball of your foot and observe the angle. We will also look at this tilt during your first virtual fit meeting.

Looking at the tilt of the foot.

The foot tilt showing the need for wedges
To accommodate this foot tilt, wedges are installed under the cleat or placed within the shoe under the insole.

Cleat wedge under the cleat on Lake Cycling Shoe
You can think of it as filling in the gap. Look at the foot on the left and the shoe, cleat, and pedal on the right. The pedal and cleat are flat, but the foot is tilted, creating a misalignment. This is probably the number one misalignment in all of cycling.

Look Cleat Wedges filling in the gap.
Here is a photo often posted by Peloton showing how most of us approach clipping into the pedal at an angle.

Peloton shoe clipping into pedal
You may be wondering why you have never heard of this before. Or if you had a previous fitting, why wasn’t this considered? The secret is there is no secret. Over 90% of the population has a foot tilt similar to this.

Cleat wedges under a Look Keo cleat

Cleat wedge for Look Keo and Delta
Wedges come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit various cleats. The yellow wedge is the most common cleat wedge used by Pelotoners.
In The Shoe Cycling Shoe Wedge
This green in-the-shoe wedge goes beneath the insole and into your shoe.
You can also look at your pedals and observe for uneven wear. Rotate the pedal upside down. Nearly everyone will notice more wear toward the inside, corresponding with the higher part of their foot.

Why your feet hurt while cycling.
This vital aspect of a bike fit is not covered by any other virtual fitting service. The foot, pedal, and moving up to the front view provide the necessary information to determine the appropriate number of wedges and screws needed. Along with your socks and magnet, these will be mailed to you.
The fit will progress upward to the saddle and handlebars.
Aside from the wedges, most of your fit is complete with the initial fitting. A second session is scheduled after the wedges are received. This time allows you to get in a few rides and gain a feel your new position. The second fit goes through the installation process of the wedges and provides any fine-tuning needed for your fit.
Here are the stylish socks and frame magnet included with your Ultimate Virtual Bike Fit.

Ride Learn Grow Cycling Socks by PedalJam

Frame Magnet – Ride Learn Grow
To sign up and reserve an appointment click Ultimate Virtual Peloton Fitting – The Cycle Point . Please allow a few days between the time of your purchase and the date of your fit session when choosing a date. This allows adequate time and opportunity (at least a few days) to respond to the questions, send the requested photo and prepare for your session.